Audio/video presentations such as Zoom recordings which have been copied to My Media can be linked to a course playlist in Canvas through the My Media Course Channel LTI. The instructor and students in the course can access and view these presentations through a link in the Canvas course navigation menu.
If a Canvas user does not yet have a My Media profile, they will first need to create an account prior to accessing the audio/video-streaming platform from Canvas.
Click on each header link below to view how to enable the course media channel in your Canvas course so instructors and students can share/stream My Media presentations in a playlist format.
To display Zoom recordings (or other My Media presentations) from a class in the My Media Course Channel, you will first need to add the LTI to your Canvas course navigation menu.
- Navigate to the Canvas course Settings > Navigation tab and locate the link titled My Media Course Channel in the list of "hidden" LTI integrations. Enable this link for the course and place it where you would like for it to appear in the list of course links, then click Save at the bottom of the screen to add the LTI to your Canvas course navigation menu.
- Refresh the page or navigate to the course's Home tab.
- Click on the newly added My Media Course Channel link in your course navigation menu to authorize the integration. This action will allow you and your students to tag presentations in your My Media account that will appear in a playlist made specifically for that class.
To copy a Zoom recording to your Canvas course's My Media Course Channel, you'll need to enter the course's unique SIS ID in the field titled Canvas Course SIS ID within a Zoom meeting or recording's settings.
- Navigate to your Canvas course Settings > Course Details tab > SIS ID field and copy the Canvas course's SIS ID.
Use the following keyboard shortcuts to Copy and Paste the Canvas Course SIS ID into your Zoom meeting/recording settings:
- PC: Ctrl+C (Control+C) to copy, and Ctrl+V to paste
- Mac: ⌘-C (Command-C) to copy, and ⌘-V to paste
- Log into the Alamo Colleges Zoom portal and navigate to the scheduled Zoom meeting or recording settings and paste the SIS ID into the field Canvas Course SIS ID.
- Ensure that "Yes" is selected in the Copy to My Media field, then click Save to initiate copying the recording (or recurring recordings) to the course's media channel.
Once Zoom recordings have been copied to My Media, all of the users in that course will be able to access a list of all of the class recordings from the My Media Course Channel link in Canvas. By default, recordings will display from most recent to oldest, but they can be filtered by the user to display from oldest to most recent or alphabetically by title.
My Media presentations accessed through the My Media Course Channel link in Canvas can be set to "Only Shared Users" and will remain visible to all users registered in that course. This will exclude the class recordings from being added to the Public Media Channel.
To learn more about adjusting a presentation's visibility settings, view this guide for sharing a My Media presentation.
For any users who want to add their My Media presentations to the My Media Course Channel LTI in Canvas, you can associate (or add) the audio/video presentation to display in the Canvas course's media channel for easy sharing/streaming.
From the My Media link in your Canvas course, access the list of presentations on your My Media dashboard and select the name of the presentation you wish to edit.
- A summary of the presentation will appear. Verify the presentation is "Viewable" and the audience has been set to "Only Shared Users" in the WHO CAN VIEW? section.
- Click Edit Details in the right column to edit the presentation's settings.
- The "Edit Presentation" screen will appear. Scroll down to the bottom of the presentation's Information tab and select the + Add Module button.
- An "Add Module" pop-up window will appear at the top of your screen; select the title of the course.
- The title of the course will then appear under the "Modules" section of the presentation's Information tab, associating the presentation with the course's media channel. Click Save at the bottom of the "Edit Presentation" screen to add it to the course playlist.
- Navigate back to My Media Course Channel link in the Canvas course's navigation menu to verify the presentation has been added to the course's media channel.
By default, presentations will display from most recent to oldest in the order they were uploaded to My Media. However, they can be filtered by the user to display from oldest to most recent or alphabetically by title.
If an instructor chooses to enable the My Media Course Channel link for a cross-listed Canvas course, students from all sections linked to that Canvas shell will have access to the recordings from the other sections.
Instructors who use Canvas cross-listed courses must ensure that any My Media video or audio class recording which includes students asking questions, making presentations, or leading a class - and it is possible to identify the student - must meet FERPA Compliance since it will be accessible to other students not registered in that class.
The following Zoom settings are recommended for Canvas cross-listed courses before they are copied to My Media for sharing via the My Media Course Channel link in Canvas:
Meeting Settings:
- Enable Hide participant profile pictures in a meeting
- Enable Mask phone numbers in the participant list if you allow students to dial-in to a session for audio
Cloud Recording Settings:
- Enable only Record active speaker with shared screen
- Disable Display participants’ names in the recording (found under “Advanced Settings”)
View the My Media guides for more information about how to navigate the platform, or contact your local IT Help Desk for technical assistance.
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