The My Media LTI integration in Canvas allows any user enrolled in a course to access their My Media account to embed or share their audio/video presentations inside of Canvas.
If a Canvas user does not yet have a My Media profile, they will first need to create an account prior to accessing the audio/video-streaming platform from Canvas.
Click on each header link below to view how to enable, access, and add presentations from your My Media account to a Canvas course.
To allow users to access and use My Media within Canvas, the instructor will first need to add the LTI to the Canvas course navigation menu.
- Navigate to the Canvas course Settings > Navigation tab and locate the link titled My Media in the list of "hidden" LTI integrations. Enable this link for the course and place it where you would like for it to appear in the list of course links, then click Save at the bottom of the screen to add the LTI to your Canvas course navigation menu.
- Refresh the page or navigate to the course's Home tab.
- Click on the newly added My Media link in your course navigation menu. This action will automatically connect the users (i.e., instructor and students) My Media accounts to the Canvas course.
Each user in the course will need to Authorize the integration prior to accessing their My Media content within Canvas. See the My Media Guidelines and Media Retention Policies for more information.
My Media presentations accessed through Canvas can be set to "Only Shared Users" and will remain visible to all users registered in that course. This will exclude any presentations from being added to the Public Media Channel.
To learn more about adjusting a presentation's visibility settings, view this guide for sharing a My Media presentation.
The following video tutorial will show you how to enable the "My Media" LTI in a Canvas course navigation menu.
Once the My Media LTI has been enabled for a Canvas course, users can easily access their My Media account and locate/embed a presentation in a Canvas announcement, assignment, discussion, page, Classic quiz, or syllabus page using the Rich Content Editor (RCE) tool.
- Launch the RCE on the Canvas item you would like to add a My Media presentation to and place the cursor in the RCE entry field where you would like to embed the presentation.
- Select the My Media icon [4 orange dots in a diamond shape] in the RCE toolbar to access a list of your My Media presentations.
- A "My Media" pop-up window will appear; select Presentation to add a single presentation to your Canvas item.
- "Search" for the presentation you'd like to add, or select it from the list of recent presentations in your My Media account. Click the Add to <course title> button next to the recording you wish to place in the Canvas item. A drop-down menu will appear for you to choose an option for adding the presentation to your Canvas item; click on each link below to view the option in a Canvas course:
- Presentation Link - Creates a hyperlink to the presentation which will open in the same browser tab or window.
- Abstract Only - Provides a hyperlink to the presentation which will open in the same browser tab or window. Includes the thumbnail image, date it was uploaded, presenters, and a description of the video (if provided).
- Player Only (Recommended) - Embeds the presentation in the Canvas item for users to view directly from the Canvas item.
- Abstract + Player - Provides both the abstract and embedded video in the Canvas item.
- The presentation will load on the Canvas item; add any additional information or items to the RCE entry field, then scroll down to the bottom of the Canvas item and click Save & Publish or Save to embed the presentation.
Instructors and students can also share their My Media presentations with the class in a course playlist found in the the Canvas My Media Course Channel LTI.
Once an instructor has enabled the My Media Course Channel LTI in a Canvas course, users can add their audio/video presentations to the Canvas course's media channel by associating the presentation to the course playlist.
View the My Media guides for more information about how to navigate the platform, or contact your local IT Help Desk for technical assistance.
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