Alamo Colleges District

Fully Transfer Meeting Ownership

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Assigning alternative hosts to a scheduled Zoom meeting--or enabling a co-host--allows the meeting's creator to share hosting duties and meeting controls with other licensed Zoom users. This is ideal for guest lectures, substitute instruction, or sessions where more than one person is needed to help with large audiences such as a conference/training session or all-college meeting.  

However, there may be times when a user will need to assume full ownership of another user's meeting (or series of recurring meetings) due to unforeseen circumstances. This guide will show you how to transfer full ownership of a Zoom meeting from one licensed user to another.

Prerequisite: Assign Scheduling Privileges

Before ownership of a meeting can be transferred to another user, the designated user (i.e., Receiver) will first need to create a licensed Zoom account and be granted Scheduling Privileges by the meeting's creator or original host. If at any point the original creator/host would like to be the only one who can schedule/edit meetings within their account, the meeting's original creator/host can simply remove the Receiver's scheduling permissions from their Zoom account.

This guide can also be used to take back ownership of a meeting after it has been transferred. Simply reverse the roles so that the Receiver assumes the role of the meeting's creator and the original owner becomes the Receiver.

Transfer Meeting Ownership

With this method of transferring meeting ownership, the Meeting ID (or Session ID) will remain the same. However, if the meeting's original creator/host used their Personal Meeting Room ID to schedule the meeting, then the Receiver will be presented the options to A) use their own Personal Meeting Room ID or B) have Zoom generate a new Meeting ID.

Once scheduling privileges have been assigned, the Receiver (or user taking ownership of the meeting) will log in to their Zoom account through a supported web browser.

  1. Select Meetings in the left sidebar and navigate to the Upcoming meetings tab. Click on the User Search drop-down menu [1] and select the User Account [2] for the meeting's original creator/host.
Receiver selects the account of a licensed user who has given him or her scheduling priveleges
  1. A list of their upcoming meetings will display; locate the specific meeting date/time you are assuming ownership of and click Edit.
Receiver edits the meeting details of the other licensed user who has granted him or her scheduling priveleges

If the Receiver selects a recurring meeting set up by this user, they will assume ownership of the entire series of meetings.

  1. In the settings of the selected meeting, navigate to the "Schedule for" section and select Myself [1] from the the drop-down menu, then click Save [2] for it to take effect.
Receiver switches the meeting from the original owner to "Myself" in the meeting settings and saves the changes

The Receiver has now assumed ownership of the meeting, and the meeting(s) will now appear in their Upcoming meetings list.

For assistance with transferring ownership of a meeting from one licensed user to another, please contact the District IT Help Desk or email [email protected].


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