Once a new employee is approved by Talent, Organization & Strategic Innovation to start work, a workflow within FootPrints will be initiated. This workflow will create any subsequent tickets based on the selections provided by the hiring manager for the new employee's onboarding.
Manager Input
The Hiring Manager will receive an email with a link to the New Hire Form [A].

The link will take the hiring manager to the appropriate workflow within FootPrints.
Once in FootPrints, click on Edit [A] to start the New Hire form.
Scroll down to the Manager Input section.
Working from top to bottom. Make any needed changes to the physical campus and office location for the new hire [A].
Check any required access for the new hire while notating any specifics on the right. Some examples are shown at [B] and [C].
Once the form is ready for submission, change the drop-down to Yes [A] and click Submit [B].
Once the form has been submitted successfully, you will be taken back to your FootPrints home page.
If any changes need to be made to the tickets created from the New Hire workflow, please contact your campus IT Help Desk.
Support and Assistance
For additional support and assistance with FootPrints, contact your campus IT Help Desk.
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