In order to prepare for an upgrade to the Canvas environment later this fall, BioSig-ID recently updated its application integration to direct students to a new URL to authenticate the user's identity. This upgrade has affected all BioSig-ID Enrollment and Verification Assignments that were created prior to Aug. 17, 2020 and copied into Fall 2020 Canvas shells from a sandbox shell or previous term.
Instructors may use this guide to check and upgrade each of their existing BioSig-ID assignments prior to student submissions.
NOTE: Any new BioSig-ID assignments created after Aug. 17, 2020 will not be affected by this update.
BioSig-ID Error Message Encountered by Students

If a student attempts to enroll or verify their identity in a BioSig-ID assignment created prior to Aug. 17, they will receive an error message that reads "Oops, something went wrong! Invalid LTI link."
Students are directed to call the District IT Help Desk or email the local Canvas Support team to address the issue, but instructors can quickly correct the issue themselves using the steps outlined below.
How to Update Existing BioSig-ID Enrollment and Verification Assignments
- Navigate to the BioSig-ID assignment in your Assignments tab or Modules list.

- Select the Edit Assignment Settings button to bring up the external tool configuration.

- Scroll down to the Submission Type field and select the Find button next to the External Tool URL field.

- A window titled "Configure External Tool" will display; select BioSig-ID from the list of tools and then hit the Select button at the bottom of the window.

- Verify the External Tool URL has been updated to interface/lti and then hit Save at the bottom of the screen.

Repeat these steps for each individual BioSig-ID assignment used in the course, even if it displays the correct External Tool URL.
Video Demonstration: Reconnecting BioSig-ID to Your Existing Canvas Assignment
Select the ▶️ button within the video player to view a 16-second demonstration on how to reconnect the BioSig-ID tool to an existing Canvas assignment.
Note: This video contains no audio.
For additional help or support with Canvas, please contact your College Innovation/Distance Learning Center.
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