Brainfuse is an all-in-one suite of tutoring services to empower students with academic tutoring. This guide will assist you in using the Send Question option located under the Expert Help menu, which allows you to send questions to your tutors. Before reading this guide please review How to Access Brainfuse.
1. To send a question, click on "Expert Help".

2. Once the menu options expand, Click "Send Question".

3. Now you will see the Send Question page.
*Note all students have 8 submissions available each semester. Your submissions in Brainfuse will decrease with each document you upload to the service.

4. To send a question to a tutor, select a topic and subject.

5. Enter a question.

6. Click the "Choose File" button to attach a document or image.

11. Click "Submit Question" button to send your question.

7. Check the "Message Center" to view your tutors response by clicking on "Expert Help"-> "Live Tutoring"->and under Learning Account Features click My "Message Center".

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