Step 1: Find the event using the Filters on the left side of the screen.
Review the following guide for more help with Filters: Using Filters in Astra
Step 2: Modify Meeting Information.
The following information can be modified without any additional steps:
- Name
- Type
- Status
- Description
- Contact
- Attendees
- Additional Contacts
- Attachments
- Notes
When modifying the Start/End Date, Time, Attendance, or Room, "Checking for Conflicts" is recommended to prevent overlapping or double-booking of a room.
Changing the Room Location
In the event that you schedule the wrong room, or find that the room doesn't suite your needs, you may have to change to room assignment.
First, you must Drop the Room by clicking Drop Select.
Reassign a room by clicking on Assign Rooms.
Select the desired, available room. Then click OK.
Check for Conflicts [1], then Save your new reservation [2].
Always confirm your reservation by going back to the Events Listing and utilizing your Filters.
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