The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on connecting to another computer using the Windows Remote Desktop Connection Program.
The destination computer is the computer that you will be connecting to remotely.
The host computer is the computer you are using to connect to the destination computer.
Ensure the following is accomplished before attempting to utilize the Remote Desktop Connection Program for the first time:
- Request VPN access through your campus IT department, if not already granted.
- Gather the name and IP address of the destination computer.
Retrieving the Device Name of a Computer
- Right-click on the Windows Start button
- Select System

3. Under Device Specifications, you can see the Device Name (Computer Name).

Retrieving the IP Address of a Computer
- Click the Search icon near the Windows Start button
- In the Search box, type "cmd" and then, in the list of results, select Command Prompt
- Once the Command Prompt opens, type "ipconfig" then press Enter
- Document the IPv4 Address (This is the IP Address)
Initiating Remote Desktop Connection
- Open Remote Desktop Connection by clicking on the Search Icon
- In the search box, type "Remote Desktop Connection", and select the Remote Desktop Connection program
- In the Computer box, type the Device Name of the computer that you want to connect to, and click Connect (You can also type the IP Address instead of the Device Name)

Getting Assistance
For assistance with Remote Desktop, please contact your local IT Help Desk.
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