Sharing an individual presentation is typically done by sending a link to the presentation. This is a great option when content isn’t connected, linked, or part of a series. There are countless uses to share a presentation this way.
1. Login to Mediasite, Select your Mediasite video Presentation.
2. On the presentation page, navigate to the Who can View? slider and select Everyone (Everyone option adds the video to the catalog).
More information on "WHO CAN VIEW?"
Everyone: Video is placed in the Mediasite video catalog for that campus, and it is visible to anyone who has access to the link.
My Organization: Video is placed in the Mediasite video catalog for that campus, and it can only be viewed by authenticated users with a SSO.
On Shared Users: Video is not placed in the Mediasite video catalog, and viewing access can be given using the Share Presentation button.
Only Me: Video is not placed in the campus directory, and it is set to private which means only you can view it.
3. Click on Share Presentation.
4. Copy the Quick Link URL.
5. Share the link via Canvas, email, web-pages, etc.
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