Turnitin provides a similarity report letting your instructor know how much of your assignment matches content within the Turnitin databases. Depending on the Turnitin settings, set by your instructor, after you have submitted your assignment, you may be able to view Turnitin results immediately or after the due date. Your instructor also has the option to restrict the similarity report from being shown for your assignment. If the originality report does not appear in the assignment submission details, your instructor has restricted this feature.
Note: The similarity report for an initial assignment submission may take a minimum of ten minutes to generate.
Students have the ability to check their own Similarity Report after submission by navigating back to the Assignment.

While viewing the Submission Details, students can click on the Similarity Report score to see the matches that Turnitin found for their paper.

In the similarity report, the sidebar shows any matching sources associated with the assignment text and where the match is located in the submission

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