The creation of a class is the first step in allowing an instructor and students to access and use of Turnitin services, such as paper plagiarism checking, grading, and rubrics.
1. Click the Add Class button on your instructor homepage.

2. On the next screen, enter the following information:
- Class name - Your class name should be between 2 and 100 characters long.
- Enrollment password
- Subject area(s) e.g. science
- Student level(s) e.g. undergraduate

3. Select the end date for the class. Once the end date has passed, the class will not be accessible for submissions unless the class is reactivated.

4. Click submit to add the class.

Class information will be displayed in a pop-up window containing the ID and enrollment password for confirmation.

When students are invited to the Turnitin.com class, they will need the class ID and enrollment key for registration.
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