LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment in Canvas. When students use LockDown Browser to access a quiz, they are unable to print, copy, visit other websites, access other applications, or close a quiz until it is submitted for grading. Quizzes created for use with LockDown Browser cannot be accessed with standard browsers.
LockDown Browser works much like a standard browser, but some options have been removed or work differently. The list below highlights some of these differences.

1. ModifiedToolbar - the condensed toolbar includes only Forward, Back, Refresh, and Stop functions.
2. Assessment Mode - assessments are shown fullscreen and cannot be minimized, resized, or exited until submitted for grading.
3. Disabled Controls - all printing, keystroke combinations, screen grab, function keys, and right-click menus have been disabled.
4. Links - links to other web servers do not compromise the secure testing environment.
5. Blocked Features and Applications - the Start button (Windows), system tray, and menu bars have been removed. Hundreds of screen capture, messaging, screen-sharing and network monitoring applications are blocked.
Video Tutorial: Introduction to Lockdown Browser
Video Tutorial: Introduction to Respondus LockDown Browser for Students
More information, including guides and videos for students and instructors can be found at http://respondus.com/products/lockdown-browser/
Respondus also provides demonstration webinars for Faculty on using Lockdown Browser and Monitor.
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