Respondus LockDown Browser is a client application installed on the local computer.
Operating Systems:
Windows: 11 and 10*
* Includes x86 32 and 64bit processors and ARM 64bit processors using x86 emulation.
* Windows 10S is not a compatible operating system, nor can LockDown Browser be obtained via the Windows App Store. At present, support for Windows 10 S Mode isn’t on the roadmap for LockDown Browser.
Mac: macOS 10.12 to 12.0+
ChromeOS: LockDown Browser for Chromebook is supported on ChromeOS version 88 and higher, but we recommend keeping your Chromebook updated to the most recent version that is available.
iPadOS: 11.0+ (iPad only). Must have a compatible LMS integration. The LockDown Browser iPad app is not compatible with Sakai LMS servers. All Sakai users will need to use a computer with a compatible operating system.
LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor may continue to run in older operating systems that have reached “end-of-life” but students may encounter unexpected results.
- Windows: 2 GB RAM (A minimum 4gb of available RAM is necessary when using LockDown Browser to take an exam that also uses a webcam.)
- Mac: 2 GB RAM (A minimum 4gb of available RAM is necessary when using LockDown Browser to take an exam that also uses a webcam.)
Hard Disk Space
- Windows: 200 MB of free hard disk space
- Mac: 200 MB of free hard disk space
Browser Requirements:
LockDown Browser is a client application that is installed to a local computer. Both the Windows edition and the Mac edition of the browser are based on Chromium, Google's open source framework. Students do NOT need Google's Chrome browser installed; nor will this version affect a Chrome browser that's already installed.
Learning Management Systems:
LockDown Browser integrates with the following learning management system:
- Canvas
The following steps guide a student through the process of using LockDown Browser (and a webcam, if required) to take an online test.
1. Download Respondus for Alamo Colleges District from:
Note: LockDown Browser for Chromebook is now available as a final release. For additional information, please view the LockDown Browser Extension for Chromebook Guide.
Windows Computer
2. On the download screen, double-check that it is recognizing your system properly (Windows or Mac). If not, use the "Do you need the Mac [or Windows] version?" link to switch to the correct system. Also, note the "System requirements" link – this gives more information regarding computer specifications, and can be useful for troubleshooting.
3. Click on the "Install Now" button on the right side of your screen:

4. Locate the installer package in your Downloads folder and run it.
5. Accept all the default prompts to install LockDown Browser.
6. Go to your desktop and double click on the "LockDown Browser" icon (A blue diamond with a gold padlock) to start LockDown Browser.
Video Tutorial: Installing Lockdown Browser for Windows
Mac Computer
1. Download the LockDown Browser installer package. Depending on the browser setting, it may download as "" where "-x-xx" is the current version number.
2. If the downloaded file did not automatically unzip, locate "" (usually in the Downloads folder), and double click on the file to start the Archiver to unzip the file.
3. Locate the "Install Respondus LockDown Browser xxxxxxxxx.pkg" to start the actual LockDown Browser installer.
4. Accept all the default prompts to install LockDown Browser.
5. Go to Finder->Applications and double click on the "LockDown Browser" icon (a world globe with padlock) to start LockDown Browser.
Video Tutorial: Installing Lockdown Browser for MACS
If you have problems downloading, installing, or taking an assessment with Respondus LockDown Browser, contact your instructor or your help desk.
1. Close all programs.
2. Open LockDown Browser.

3. If prompted to close any blocked program that you left open, choose Yes.

4. Login with your ACES username and password. This will take you to your Canvas dashboard.
5. Navigate to the quiz in your course, and select the Take the Quiz button.

6. Once your quiz has started in LockDown Browser, you cannot exit until the Submit Quiz button is clicked.

Video Tutorial: How to Use Respondus LockDown Browser for your Quiz
1. To download for the iPad, search the Apple App Store on your iPad for "Respondus LockDown Browser" app from Respondus Inc. Click Get app.

Enabling "Guided Access" on your iPad
1. Before using the Lockdown Browser you will need to enable “Guided Access” on your iPad. Go to your Settings App

2. Tap Accessibility then scroll down and tap, “Guided Access”. You will need to turn this feature on and set a passcode.

Note: Guided Access is a feature that allows the iPad to remain on one app until a passcode is entered. This is usually used in a classroom environment where the instructor needs to keep all students in one app. Therefore (although not ideal for this situation) you will need to set up a passcode to let yourself out of the Lockdown Browser after taking your quiz.
Setting up the Lockdown Browser
1. The first time you open Respondus Lockdown Browser on your iPad you will be asked to give the app permission to use your microphone and camera. You MUST allow these in order for the browser to work.
2. Search for our school by typing in Alamo Colleges. As you type, suggestions will appear below. Click on our school.

3. Now you can log into Canvas, find your course, and navigate to your quiz. Once you begin, you will be prompted to capture a picture of your face, student ID, and a video of your surroundings.

Video Tutorial: Respondus Lockdown Browser on Ipad
The following are a few tips when taking online exams.
1. Make sure you are always using the current version of LockDown Browser. Open the browser and click (i) in the toolbar to update.

2. Always take a practice quiz that requires the use of LockDown Browser + Respondus Monitor,before taking a graded exam. (This is provided by your instructor; if you don’t see it, ask for it!)
3. Use the Help Center in the browser itself to test your connection prior to starting an exam.

Or use the stand-alone Startup Sequence, to test all the pre-exam steps: Startup Sequence.
4. During the pre-exam steps, use the built-in troubleshooting and 24/7 LiveChat technical support, if needed. Look for the It’s not working link or follow the live chat instructions.

More options for students to get help are described at Student Resources.
5. If you have an inconsistent or unreliable internet connection, here are additional steps to take:• Plug an Ethernet cable into the computer to ensure the best possible network connection speed. (Don’t have an Ethernet port? It may be worthwhile to get an Ethernet to USB cable.)
• If an Ethernet connection is not possible, move as close to the wifi router as possible.• When using wifi, avoid networks with heavy traffic, such as libraries, bookstores and cafes.
• Shut down all other applications on your computer other than LockDown Browser. This will help reduce the bandwidth being used by other applications running in the background. You may want to restart your computer.
• Shut down (or disable the network connection) all other devices, such as smartphones and tablets, if they are using the same wifi network.
• Avoid repeatedly saving the answers to test questions. A request is sent to your learning platform every time the answer to a question is saved. If there are multiple requests in a short time and you don’t have a strong connection, all those requests could consume the available bandwidth, resulting in an interruption.
• If using shared WiFi, request that others using the same network (such as family members or roommates) not engage in bandwidth-heavy activities, such as streaming video (Netflix),playing games, etc.
Q. I'm having trouble downloading/installing LockDown Browser. Something is blocking the installation.
A. Antivirus software can block the installation of LockDown Browser. To solve this, temporarily disable your antivirus program, and install LockDown Browser. Once the installation is complete, remember to enable your antivirus software again!
Q. If I have technical difficulties, who can I contact?
A. First, contact your college helpdesk or the district helpdesk. Phone numbers are listed on the Technology Resource Guide for Students. If your local helpdesk is unable to resolve the issue, you can submit a ticket directly to Respondus (responses can take up to 24 hours). Do not contact Canvas as they will be unable to assist you with Respondus issues. Note that help is not available 24/7, so plan accordingly.
Q. What if a Standard Browser is used?
If the settings for a quiz require that LockDown Browser be used, it cannot be accessed with a standard browser. In fact, you can easily confirm that a quiz has been properly set for LockDown Browser by attempting to open the quiz with a regular browser. As shown a warning message will indicate that LockDown Browser is required for the quiz.

Q. Why is there a webcam icon at the top of the LockDown Browser screen? Do I need a webcam?
A. The webcam tool is for use with Respondus Monitor. If your instructor is using Monitor for your Canvas quizzes/exams, you will need to enable webcam settings. Otherwise, you can ignore the webcam icon.
Q. Do I need to download LockDown Browser every time I take an exam?
A. Short answer, no. The LockDown Browser is permanently installed on your computer, and you just need to open it each time you take a quiz/exam that requires it. However, the best practice is to open LockDown Browser, click on the Info button (the "i" with a circle), and check for updates before your scheduled quiz/exam time.

The version will be displayed and you can also click on “Check for Newer Version”. If a newer version is available, you'll have the option to download and install it.

For Mac users, start LockDown Browser and then select “About” from the toolbar. The version will be displayed as shown above, and you can click “Check for Update" to see if a newer version is available.
Q. My instructor says I can submit my quiz more than once. Why do I get an error message?
A. In LockDown Browser, you may only take a quiz one time per session. If you attempt to take more than one, you will receive the following error:

In order to submit more than once using LockDown Browser, you will need to close and re-open LockDown Browser between each attempt.
Q. What if something goes horribly wrong during my exam?
A. In the event you experience an issue during your exam, you have the ability to exit your exam and provide information to your instructor as to why you are leaving.
First, click the "x" to close LockDown Browser, and then select "OK"

In the next screen, explain why you need to close out of your exam without properly submitting, and select Submit and close the browser.

Q. How do I uninstall or remove LockDown Browser?
A. There are two options for uninstalling or removing LockDown Browser from Windows systems.
Important note: Always run LockDown Browser one more time and then immediately quit LockDown Browser before any uninstall or removal of the program.
The recommended step is to use Windows->Control Panel->Programs and Features (Windows 8/10).
If there are problems uninstalling through the Windows Control Panel, you can download and run the LockDown Browser installer a second time and select the option "Uninstall/Remove" when prompted. In some situations, we recommend re-installing LockDown Browser and then immediately run the installer again to remove LockDown Browser.
To uninstall LockDown Browser on the Mac just requires dragging the LockDown Browser application from Finder->Applications into the Trash and emptying the Trash.
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