1. To download Respondus 4.0 software from the Respondus Page on the following Alamo Share link: (https://alamo0.sharepoint.com/:u:/r/sites/DST_ITS-InstructionalTechnology/SitePages/Content-Design-Tools.aspx?csf=1&web=1&e=drRwGA)
2. Within the Respondus area, click on Download Respondus 4.0 Install link.
3. Save the download file to your preferred location.
NOTE: The download my automatically go to your Downloads folder.
4. Find the file you downloaded. The file name is Respondus4Campus.exe. Double-click the file to install Respondus 4.0 software.
Follow the on-screen menus to complete the Respondus software installation.

5. Once installed, open Respondus.
Enter the Institution Name, Activation Password, and Local Support Contact (these are found on Alamo Share). Copy and paste to avoid typos.