To setup a quiz in Canvas that requires students to use LockDown browser, follow these steps:
1. Make sure the quiz has been published in your Canvas course.
2. From the Course Navigation in Canvas, select LockDown Browser. If LockDown Browser is not visible in your course navigation, enable it by following these steps.

Student experience: Note that students do not see the LockDown Browser option in the course navigation.
3. A page giving you additional information about LockDown Browser will display. You can view the available guides.
4. A list of quizzes in the course will be displayed.
- Quizzes labeled with Required require students to use LockDown Browser.
- Quizzes labeled with Not Required do not require the use of LockDown Browser.

5. To change the settings, click the drop down arrow to the left of the quiz title and select Modify Settings and select the desired options.

6. Additionally, you may require that LockDown Browser be used to view quiz feedback and results. You also have the option to create an access code that students must enter to start the quiz. LockDown Browser will prompt students to enter the code before proceeding with the quiz.
7. Click Save + Close.

If you have prepared a quiz for LockDown Browser in one section and copied or imported it into another section, you will need to launch the LockDown Browser dashboard to enable the quiz. (Otherwise students will receive an error message to contact the instructor to enable it.)
More information, including guides and videos for students and instructors can be found at http://respondus.com/products/lockdown-browser/.
Respondus also provides demonstration webinars for Faculty on using Lockdown Browser and Monitor.
Video Tutorial: Preparing for a Quiz for Lockdown Browser

The iPad Edition of "LockDown Browser" (available from the Apple App Store) enables a student to use an iPad to take exams that require LockDown Browser. However, the instructor must select the appropriate setting for each exam that permits students to use an iPad. Respondus Monitor is a separate application used with LockDown Browser to deter cheating during non-proctored exams. Respondus Monitor is also supported with the iPad edition of LockDown Browser.
An instructor should follow these steps to allow students to access an exam with the iPad Edition of LockDown Browser:
- Login to the online course using an instructor account.
- Select the Respondus LockDown Browser tool (dashboard) and select "Modify Settings" for the exam.
- Select "Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam".
- Expand "[+] Advanced Settings" and select "Allow students to take this exam with an iPad".
- Save the settings.

Using the iPad Edition of LockDown Browser
A student should follow the steps outlined in this article in order to take an exam with the iPad Edition of LockDown Browser.
Instructors have the option of locking students into an exam until they have submitted it for grading, or allowing them to exit early. This optional exam setting for LockDown Browser has a default setting of "off". When set to off, students who leave an exam before submitting it will have to provide a reason for exiting the exam early. This reason can then be viewed by the instructor.
Here is how it works.
Go to the LockDown Browser Dashboard and select "Modify Settings" for the exam.

In the Advanced Settings section, look for "Lock students into the browser until exam is completed". The default state is deselected, which will enable a student to exit the browser if a problem or emergency arises (e.g. Internet connection failure).

If this option is left deselected, and if a student attempts to exit the browser during an exam, they will encounter the following prompt.

If the student selects "Close the Browser", the student is then required to enter a reason for exiting the exam early.

The date/time the student exited the exam, as well as the reason provided by the student, is reported to the instructor from the LockDown Browser Dashboard. The numeric indicator on the context menu shows new instances of a student exiting the exam early.

From the context menu, select "Review Early Exits" to see the details

The instructor can then see when the student exited the exam and the reason provided by the student for exiting early.

If the instructor is using Respondus Monitor (the webcam component for LockDown Browser), the warning will instead appear in the "Automated Notes/Warnings" section. • This early exit capability is only available in LockDown Browser 1.0.6 or higher. If a student is running an older version of the browser, they will be locked into the exam, regardless of the instructor's setting for the exam. • If a student exits an exam early, and if only one attempt is permitted for the exam, it might be necessary to reset the exam for the student.
By default, if an exam contains a link to an external web domain, students can view the initial page but all links and navigation from that page are blocked.
With the LockDown Browser Dashboard->"exam"->Modify Settings->Advanced Settings->"Allow access to specific external web domains" option, the setting allows a student to access any page or link within the specified domain. This is useful, for example, to provide access to an e-book during an exam.
To add a valid site, such as a publisher's e-book, the instructor must first add the web links to the exam itself, usually the first question. The link cannot be in any exam instructions outside the active exam. The web links must also be configured to "open in a new window or new tab", not the "same window".
The instructor then enters the "domain" of all the locations including any specific paths. Multiple domains can be entered, separated by commas. Do not include the "http:" or "https:" protocols or any parameters staring at a "?" in the address.
You can only specify domains, not URLs or web links in the questions.
Example of a domain: respondus.com
Example of a URL: https://www.respondus.com
Please be aware that instructors should not try to specify the domain of the LMS or a domain for another learning management system. Specifying the domain of the LMS itself or permitting a student to log in to one LMS, then access a second LMS to take an exam, will result in errors and is unsupported.
As an example, to access Amazon's Kindle Cloud Reader, the instructor would enter "read.amazon.com" along with "www.amazon.com/ap/signin" separated by commas into the "Allow access to specific external web domains" listing.

You must then also include a URL link to the permitted domain in the quiz question. Without such a link, students will not be able to access that domain.

Once the link is clicked on by the student, that link will open in a second tab and remain open during the exam until the student closes it. If you desire to have the domain open during the entire exam, it's only necessary to place the link in the first question.
If students encounter a "Linked is Blocked ?" while accessing an external domain, it indicates additional domains may need to be added to the external web domains list. Clicking on the "?" will bring up a brief pop-up window showing the URL for the blocked link. The domain listed in the window can be added to the "Allow access to specific external web domains" listing.

Please note, e-textbooks and similar resources with digital rights management that requires downloading the book for viewing in an offline app (examples: Kindle, Adobe, Kobo, OverDrive, etc) are not supported. The student will need to locate a supported alternate device (tablet, e-book, etc) or obtain a paper-based edition.
Note: The option to allow specific external web domains is not available in McGraw-Hill ALEKS or Pearson MyLab integrations with the OEM Edition of LockDown Browser.
Respondus LockDown Browser prevents other applications from being accessed by the student during an assessment, including the Windows or Mac "Calculator" tool. However, there are times when an instructor wants to allow students to use an online calculator during an assessment. A calculator option will appear on the toolbar for LockDown Browser if you enable it for the exam in the LockDown Browser Dashboard.
In the Dashboard, choose "Settings" for the exam, then select "Advanced Settings." Check the box for "Enable Calculator on the toolbar," then choose from either Standard Calculator or Scientific Calculator.
Once a calculator has been enabled for an exam, students can access the calculator via an icon on the LockDown Browser toolbar:

The standard calculator:

The scientific calculator:

For the calculator to appear, LockDown Browser needs to be able to connect to our server at "smc-service-cloud.respondus2.com". If the computer and/or network is blocking access to that server, the calculator icon will not appear in the LockDown Browser toolbar.
LockDown Browser includes a basic spreadsheet tool that enables .xls/.xlsx spreadsheets to be viewed and manipulated during an exam session. This functionality is available for Windows, Mac, and iPad editions of LockDown Browser.
Within the quiz tool of the learning system, an instructor should add a link to the spreadsheet in the question wording. Exactly how this link is determined and then added to the question differs with each LMS. In most cases, you should:
* Upload the spreadsheet to a content area in the course.
* In the content area, right click on the spreadsheet title and choose "copy link location" (wording will vary depending on the browser used).
* Paste that link directly into the quiz question.
The .csv file type is not supported. Please convert this file type to .xls/.xlsx before attempting to use it with LockDown Browser.
When a student selects the link within LockDown Browser, a spreadsheet tool will open. The spreadsheet can be pre-populated with content, or it can be a blank spreadsheet created in another spreadsheet app, which students use to prepare their answers.
As an example, the spreadsheet tool might be used with a multiple choice question. As shown below, a link provides access to a pre-populated spreadsheet. The student calculates the answer and then selects one of the answer choices.

The image below shows the spreadsheet that was used for this exam question.

Alternatively, an instructor can require students to create or modify a spreadsheet and submit it for grading. The example below shows how a short answer or essay question can be used for this purpose.

The question wording itself should provide guidance on the steps a student should follow. As shown above, students are instructed to 1) select the link that opens a pre-populated spreadsheet, 2) create the required formula or calculation, 3) select the button “Click here to save your work”, and 4) paste the resulting URL into the answer field for the essay or short answer question.
After the spreadsheet file has been saved, a dialog will remind students to copy the resulting URL to the answer field using CTRL + V.

Following the exam, the instructor will see a unique URL within the LMS for each student who provided an answer for the essay or short answer question. Upon selecting the URL with a standard browser (not LockDown Browser), the spreadsheet tool will open and the student’s work will be shown for that question.

Note: the spreadsheet tool is not available for the McGraw-Hill ALEKS or Pearson MyLab integrations.
• LockDown Browser is a custom browser prevents cheating during online tests, that locks the student into their Canvas exam, and disables their ability to print, copy, visit other websites or access other applications while the exam is in progress.
• It is strongly recommended that you have a low-stakes or practice quiz that uses LockDown Browser prior to using it for a graded test. This will give students the opportunity to download the browser, work through any technical difficulties, and get comfortable with it.
• LockDown Browser settings are controlled via the dashboard in your Canvas course.
Please note:
• Allow specific students to access this exam with screen readers – Students with disabilities will have a better experience with this setting enabled.
• Allow students to take this exam with an iPad – Students who have downloaded the LockDown Browser app on their iPad can take quizzes on their tablet, but ONLY if this option is enabled for the quiz. Student instructions for using this option are available on the Respondus support website.
Office Hours with Respondus Trainers
Instructors can schedule a free, 15-minute screen share with a Respondus trainer. This “office hours” appointment is a great way to ask general questions about online proctoring with Respondus Monitor.
Using an instructor login for the LMS, go to the LockDown Browser tool and select the LockDown Browser setting for a quiz. Then select the “Questions?” button to schedule a session.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How can I help my students understand how to download and use LockDown Browser?
A. Share the companion "Tips for Students" document in your course(s). We recommend informing your students early in your course that you will be using LockDown Browser, especially if you are using Monitor and they need a webcam. Also, remind and re-share the "Tips for Students" document with them before each assessment that requires LockDown Browser.
Q. If my students have technical difficulties, who can they contact?
A. Their first resource is the college or district helpdesk. Phone numbers are listed on the IT Help Desk. Students should not contact Canvas Support – Since LockDown Browser is a third-party integration, Canvas usually cannot help when issues arise. Please help your students plan accordingly as help desks are not available 24/7.
Q. Can I download LockDown Browser and try it to see what the student experience is like?
A. Sure! Go to the download site and install LockDown Browser on your computer (you may need IT to assist you if you are installing it on your work computer). Then open the LockDown Browser, log in, and go to the course. Go to Settings Student View, and once you are in the student view, take the quiz.
Q. Where do I register for free training webinars?
Register for a free training webinar on LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor at the following link: https://web.respondus.com/webinars/ (https://web.respondus.com/webinars/).
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