This document outlines the steps to manually archive emails in Outlook. There are two sections to this document. The first part, Setup Archive Settings, will configure your client to cache more than 12 months of emails so that you can archive more than just the previous 12 months of email. The second part of the document will walk you through archiving email.
Setup Archive settings
1. Open the Control panel.
In the search box on the taskbar, type control panel, and then select Control Panel.

2. You can change the “view by” to small or large icons. Open the “Mail (Microsoft Outlook)” settings.
3. Select the “Email Accounts” tab

4. Select the user’s email account and click on “Change”

5. Make sure the “Use Cached Exchange Mode” is checked. Then Change the “Mail to keep offline” setting to “ALL”.

6. Click “Next” then Finish. Open outlook again and give it time to sync all of the emails from the Exchange server. When it is done, you can run start archiving email (see Archive mail).
Archive mail
- Open Outlook
- Click the File menu
- Select the Info tab
- Click Tools and select clean up old items

5. Click the Archive this folder and all subfolders option and choose the folder you want to archive.
6. Under Archive items older than enter a date

7. You can create multiple .pst files if you want to archive some folders using different settings. For example, you may want to keep items in your Sent folder longer than items in your Inbox folder.
8. Check the Include items with “Do not AutoArchive” checked box to archive individual items that are excluded from automatic archiving. This option doesn’t remove that exclusion from these items, but instead ignores the Do not AutoArchive setting for this archive only.
9. Click OK.
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