Alamo Colleges District

Add a Quiz to Panopto Video

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Panopto allows you to add a quiz to any video, so you can check your viewers retention and create an interactive video presentation to keep your viewers engaged! Adding quizzes can help your students learn better, which in turn may help them on future assignment or exam.

We made a list of examples of effective Panopto quizzes that may help:

  • Smart Start Quiz: Introductions, syllabus FAQ, important things to remember.
  • Knowledge Check: Short 1-3 question quizzes scattered throughout chapters.
  • Chapter/Unit Quizzes: Exam prep quizzes, mini-test reviews.

Types of Quizzes that Panopto offers:

  • True/False
  • Multiple choice
  • Multiple selections/responses
  • Fill in the blank

In this guide, we will show you how to create a quiz in Panopto.

Create a quiz

1. Login to Panopto via Canvas > Panopto Course Videos, or via with ACES SSO.

2. Locate the video you would like to add a quiz to.

3. There are two ways to open the video editor:

  1. Select the Kebab Menu (three vertical dots) > Edit.
  2. Or select the video > locate pencil icon in viewer > Edit.
edit video

4. In the video editor, select Quizzes > Add a Quiz.

add a quiz to video

5. A blank question will appear.

Click the drop-down menu to select the type of question you would like to add to your quiz.

select the type of question

6. Fill in the fields to title your quiz and create your question.

Add more answers.

fill in the question fields

7. Scroll down to add another question, or press Done if finished.

add questions
add another question

8. When you press Done, Panopto will ask you to select and verify quiz options. Check the quiz position to make sure it is in the correct place, and leave checked or uncheck the other options to match your preferences.

If you did not select a correct time position for your quiz, you can easily move it. 

Note in this example, the quiz automatically went to the beginning of the video.

check quiz options

9. To move your quiz, locate the correct time position in the editor by hovering your cursor, then enter in the time in the Quiz Position box.

move quiz position

10. Once it's in the correct position, scroll down in the quiz viewer, and select Finish.

finish editing quiz

11. See your quiz in the table of contents.

see quiz in table of contents

12. When you are finished editing your quiz, make sure you have clicked Apply changes.

apply changes to quiz

13. When you click Apply, Panopto Video editor will prompt you to close. Select OK.  

confirm changes to quiz

14. Now you can see your video in view mode to ensure everything is correct. If you need to change something, simply click the pencil icon to edit.

view quiz and wideo player

Viewing Quizzing Results

To access the results of a quiz, hover over the video in the video library and select the Settings button that appears.

On the left, click the Quiz Results tab to display the results.

From this tab, you can see Quiz Results Summary which shows the total number of correct answers and questions as well as the percentage correct for each quiz. You are also able to get a more detailed view of results by section. Click the Section drop-down to select which quiz section to drill into.

Selecting Clear from the Clear Quiz Results section will clear all existing quiz results.

Additional Resources

To learn more about all of Panopto's features, visit Panopto's support site.

Feel free to comment if you have additional questions about using Panopto.


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