Alamo Colleges District

Make Video Edits with Snipping Tool in Panopto

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Whether you are looking to correct a minute detail or remove a larger portion of your video, the snipping tool will allow you to edit out any unwanted video play. No more awkward pauses, troubleshooting caught on camera, or unnecessary information in introductions or endings. You can easily clean up your videos with Panopto's built-in snipping tool. Let's dive in.

Open Panopto Course Videos through Canvas, or directly through

Locate the video you would like to edit.

You will need to open the video editor. There are two ways to do so:

  1. Select the Kebab Menu (three vertical dots) > Edit.
  2. Or, select the video > locate pencil icon in viewer > Edit.

Now, let's find the portion of the video we want to edit. In this example, the video had a long ending because the creator forgot to stop recording when they were finished with the tutorial. So, we are going to select the end and remove it.

  1. In the video editor, locate and select the start time of the video portion you would like to remove.
  2. Make sure the red line is aligned with the time you want to begin removing.
  3. Highlight the desired portion of the video to edit by holding down and dragging the red line. It will grey out the portion to be removed. You can drag the editor in any direction you'd like.
  4. Finally press the Snipping tool to remove the portion of the video.

Note: The video will not change until you click Apply.

using the snipping tool

Select Apply changes in the top right corner of the video editor.

apply changes to video

Press OK to close video editor and view your edited video in preview mode.

close video editor

That's it! You can now clean up all your videos with the snipping tool.

Additional Resources and Support

For more information, visit Panopto support.

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