Panopto Zoom integration
The Panopto Zoom integration allows instructors to set up their Zoom recordings to move automatically to a folder in Panopto or map Zoom recordings in Panopto so they are moved to a specific Panopto folder.
Opt in to and out of the Panopto Zoom integration
1. Login to your Panopto site. Select the drop-down menu next to your name and then select User Settings.

2. On the User Settings window, scroll down to Meeting Import Settings. Select the checkbox to the left of the Zoom integration and then select Update.
Note: To opt-out of automatic meeting imports, deselect this checkbox, instead.

3. Once this is enabled, you can set a Default Folder for meetings to record to, as well as map meetings to specific folders.

Automatic Sharing and RoutingĀ
Panopto users can set up automatic routing rules for any recurring Zoom meeting ID. This directs the recorded Zoom session to a specified folder. The folder may be shared with other users in advance, so meetings will be automatically available to those users. Panopto users may also specify the default folder for their Zoom recordings when advanced routing rules are not set. Note: This mapping will only work if the Panopto user with the mapping is also the primary host of the Zoom meeting ID used. Folder mapping will not work if a co-host of a Zoom meeting requests it.
1. Select your username from the top right corner of Panopto.
2. From the dropdown menu that appears, select User Settings

3. On the User Settings pop-up window, scroll to Meeting Import Settings.

4. Select the Meeting Mapping Source from the dropdown menu. This is the Zoom integration from which you will be mapping meetings.

5. Select Add New to create a folder mapping for a recurring Zoom meeting.

6. Fill out the following information:

7. Folder Name: select the dropdown menu and select the folder to which you'd like this recurring Zoom meeting to be saved. Note: if the folder you are seeking doesn't appear, you can start typing its name to search.

8. Select Save to save this mapping, or Cancel to exit without saving.

Additional Resources
For help with downloading and accessing Panopto, visit Panopto support guides or contact your local IT help desk.
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