Some integrations such as RedShelf and BryteWare within Canvas require use of the official Alamo Colleges District email address as the default address. Other email addresses and contact methods can be added for continued notifications and alerts.
To access your email address, click on your account [1] and Settings [2].

You can tell what email address is your default by the star icon next to the email address. Your Alamo Colleges District email account (@student.alamo.edu or @alamo.edu) will need to remain the default email address within Canvas. To choose a new default email address, hover over the email address and a faint star icon will appear. Click the star icon. If your Alamo Colleges District email account has been removed, click on +Email Address and verify it.

Contact our Support Central Help Desk at 210-485-0555 option 4 if you have an error icon next to your Alamo Colleges District email account. They will be able to assist you with correcting a possible issue with your email account.

Each notification is set to a default preference. To change a notification for a contact method, locate the notification and click the icon for your preferred delivery type.
To receive a notification right away, click the Checkmark icon [1]. These notifications may be delayed by up to one hour in case an instructor makes additional changes, which prevents you from being spammed by multiple notifications in a short amount of time.
To receive a daily notification, click the Clock icon [2].
To receive a weekly notification, click the Calendar icon [3]. The date and time of your weekly notifications are posted at the bottom of the notifications page.
If you do not want to receive a notification, click the Remove icon [4].
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