SPRING 2023 UPDATE: On October 26, 2022, Instructure announced it is removing its deadline for institutions to transition to New Quizzes as it continues to add functionality to the tool. While product developers will focus their energy on further developing New Quizzes, they will not add any new features to Classic Quizzes. However, they will continue to fix critical buts and maintain the product.
In light of this news, Alamo Colleges District IT has chosen to remove our Fall 2023 enforcement date, and a new timeline will be announced at a later time. Instructors can continue to use Classic Quizzes, or transition to the new quiz engine when they are ready. The following guide has been prepared to help faculty and staff transition to New Quizzes.
New Quizzes Transition Timeline
Currently there is no timeline to transition to New Quizzes. Please follow the New Quizzes Hub in the Canvas Community for the latest developments for the tool.
New Quizzes FAQ
Please click on each header link below for more information and frequently asked questions (FAQ) about transitioning to New Quizzes.
New Quizzes is the new assessment engine that integrates with the Canvas LMS as an LTI tool. While there are no immediate plans to phase out "Classic Quizzes," it will replace the functionality that currently exists in the Alamo College's Canvas account.
Instructors can use New Quizzes to create assessments using a variety of questions types. Assessments display as assignments in the Assignments index page and can be duplicated. Students can take an assessment in New Quizzes directly from their Canvas course, including through Respondus LockDown Browser.
A few key features for New Quizzes include:
- New Question Types: Categorization, Hot Spot, Ordering, and Stimulus. Essay, Fill in the Blank, and Multiple Choice question types have also received design enhancements.
- Item Banks (formerly Question Banks) are now linked to your account so they are available from any Canvas course that you teach, and you can share them with colleagues.
- Migrating a Classic Quiz to New Quizzes allows instructors to re-use an existing assessment in your Canvas course by moving it to the New Quizzes assessment engine. Question banks used in Classic Quizzes can also be migrated to New Quizzes.
- Print a quiz answer key or a blank quiz with no answers. Quizzes can also be saved to your computer as a PDF file.
- Add extended time for one or all quizzes in a course to meet an individual student accommodation.
- Enable a "Waiting Period" on any re-attempts for an assessment after a set amount of time has passed from the student's first attempt.
Yes. New Quizzes is available now as a Feature Preview that can be enabled by instructors in each of their Canvas courses. We recommend starting out using New Quizzes in one course to become familiar with how to navigate and build assessments in this new tool, then working ahead to migrate the rest of your courses when you are ready.
New Quizzes can certainly be used for all courses you teach if that is your preference, but you'll want to ensure that all the assessments in the course have been migrated so continuity in quiz engine type is being provided to students in your courses.
If a class is already in session, we DO NOT recommend migrating your remaining assessments. Students may not be familiar with the New Quizzes user interface, and the sudden change in quiz engine type could adversely impact their scores on your course exams.
No. Canvas Assignments such as online submissions and external apps will not be affected by this change and can continue to be used as you have set them up in your course.
No. Third party tools or publisher software such as Cengage, Pearson, and McGraw Hill products are separate LTIs that can be linked and accessed by students from a Canvas course.
Features and Migration
Please view the New Quizzes Feature Comparison list in the Canvas Community to see how functionality in New Quizzes compares to functionality in Classic Quizzes.
For a list of Classic Quizzes features that are no longer supported in New Quizzes, please view the following table to learn how the content will be migrated. Work-arounds for setting up the assessment to replicate a discontinued quiz type can also be found in the table below.
Discontinued Classic Quizzes Feature | New Quizzes Feature / Work-around |
Question types:
Multiple Fill In the Blank and Multiple Dropdown questions in Classic Quizzes will become Fill in the Blank questions in New Quizzes. For Multiple Fill in the Blank questions, the formatting of the text may need to be adjusted, and if course images or media were embedded in either of these question types previously, you will need to upload/embed them again in New Quizzes. |
Non-question type:
Text headers will become Stimulus content in New Quizzes, but the Stimulus type requires adding at least one question related to the content in order for it to display for students. |
Other content:
Question Groups import as Item Bank questions in New Quizzes. The quiz displays the group and the number of questions that are to be pulled from the group, but there is not a way to access or edit these questions after they have been migrated. See this guide for more information on migrating quizzes with question groups. |
Practice Quiz | Set up the assignment to be worth 0 points. |
Ungraded Quiz | Set up the assignment to be worth 0 points, then select the option to exclude from final grade. |
Survey | Set up the assignment to be worth 0 points, then select the option to exclude from final grade. Set all items to 0 points and restrict students from viewing correct answers after submission. Anonymous submissions are not available in New Quizzes, but students' names can be hidden in the SpeedGrader settings so you can view individual results/feedback from students without bias. |
The following list of best practices for migrating to New Quizzes will ensure a smooth semester for both you and your students:
- Unless you are currently using New Quizzes for your course assessments, we do not recommend migrating any remaining assessments in the middle of a term.
- Try to migrate quizzes for at least one course to get used to the new features and navigation.
- Ensure all assessments in the course use the same quiz engine.
- Proofread your migrated assessments for formatting and any missing apps or images/media before copying them to other courses (or sharing them with other users) and publishing.
- Work ahead to migrate other quizzes ahead of the enforcement deadline. (TBD)
- Include information for returning students about New Quizzes in your course syllabus or orientation module.
Additional New Quizzes tips can be found in the New Quizzes Transition course in Canvas.
Please view this Alamo Colleges Screen Steps guide for creating a new assessment in New Quizzes.
Please view this Alamo Colleges Screen Steps guide for migrating Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes.
Currently this feature is available in Canvas Beta and will be added to Production at a later date. Instructors will have the ability to migrate their Question Banks (Classic Quizzes) to Item Banks (New Quizzes) through the course import process. Until then, questions can be imported manually into an Item Bank by exporting Canvas quizzes:
- In Classic Quizzes, Create a new quiz with the name of a question bank.
- In the Questions tab, select the Find Questions button. Locate the question bank and select all questions. Click the Add Questions button.
- Save the quiz.
- In Course Settings, click the Course Export button; select the Quiz Export type. Download the ZIP file when completed.
- In the New Quizzes menu bar, click the Manage Item Banks button.
- Create a new item bank and give it a title, then Save.
- Open the Item Bank. In the menu bar, click the Import Content button.
- Locate the downloaded ZIP file and import it into the item bank.
Note: Item Banks will not allow additional content to be imported once questions have been added to a quiz. However, individual questions may be added manually.
Partial credit grading functionality is supported for Fill in the Blank, Matching, and Multiple Answer item types. Similar functionality resides in the Multiple Choice question type which allows points to be varied for individual answers.
Development for other question types is still under discussion but will likely include:
- Ordering
- Categorization
Question Banks are a collection of questions stored in Canvas that can be pulled into a Classic Quiz. Their behavior is analogous to Item Banks in New Quizzes.
Question Groups are sections in a Classic Quiz that contain a set of specific questions. Canvas can randomly choose some or all of the questions for a student as part of the quiz.
When a Classic Quiz is migrated into the New Quizzes engine, Question Groups import as Item Bank questions. The quiz displays the group and the number of questions that are to be pulled from the group. However, the questions in the question groups are not added as an item bank, they are stored in the quiz and you do not have access to edit the items or add other questions to the group. In order to view the questions in the group, preview the quiz where all quiz questions in the group will be displayed in the preview.
Note: If you would like to edit or add items to question groups after they have been migrated to New Quizzes, you will need to move the questions out of their respective groups prior to migration, then add them to an item bank after migration. Once the item banks have been created with questions from your question group, assign the source bank to the migrated question group. For detailed steps, consult this guide for migrating question groups.
Respondus Product Management plans to support Canvas New Quizzes with Respondus 4.0. Meanwhile, instructors should continue to publish to the legacy Classic Quizzes then transfer the quizzes into New Quizzes in the course with the migration utility provided by Instructure.
Instructors can also follow the steps in this guide to conduct a manual import of Respondus 4.0 QTI files into Canvas.
Yes. Currently Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor are the only online proctoring software available for use with New Quizzes. However, the LDB settings do not transfer on course copy and will need to be set up in each new course where it will be used.
Note: Currently Respondus LDB settings do not transfer in the course copy/import process, and each assessment will need to be reassigned Respondus LDB/Monitor settings in the new course where the tool will be used.
Current Limitations
No. Each migrated quiz will be imported as an unpublished New Quiz and placed in a "Migrated Quizzes" assignment group within the course's Assignments index page. If you had a Classic Quiz placed in a module or weighted assignment group prior to migration, you will need to remove the older assessment and add the newly imported New Quizzes assessment to the appropriate module and/or assignment group. (If you use module requirements, those will have to be edited as well to include the new assessment.)
Please view the Instructor Checklist for Migrating Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes for more information.
Note: Removing a Classic Quiz from a module does not remove the assessment from the course. Be sure to unpublish or delete the Classic Quiz once it has been migrated and the New Quiz has been proofed for accuracy.
No. Once a Classic Quiz has been migrated to New Quizzes and changes have been made to the assessment, it cannot be reverted back to Classic Quizzes. However, the original quiz can be found in the course where migration took place.
No. You cannot modify an existing assessment by importing the modified resource into New Quizzes. New Quizzes imports can only be used when creating an assessment for the first time. Importing the same resource, even after deleting the original, will revert to the original assessment import.
To import changes to a New Quizzes assessment, you must duplicate the assessment and then import the new quiz into your course.
In July 2022, Instructure announced plans to roll out the Canvas RCE in New Quizzes in planned phases. Phases 1-3 have been implemented June 17, 2023, and Phase 4 is on the product road map for completion by Q1 of 2024.
There is still a known issue when using the "Copy to" or "Send to" function that will leave course images and files not viewable or editable when copied to a new course or user. Follow the New Quizzes Hub in the Canvas Community for announcements on when these remaining RCE features will be addressed in future product releases.
Currently there is a known issue where a course media file that was previously embedded in a Classic Quiz does not display correctly when the quiz is either imported or migrated to New Quizzes. (The media automatically downloads instead.)
Course image files embedded into most Classic Quizzes question types will migrate except for the discontinued Multiple Fill in the Blank and Multiple Dropdown question types that turn into Fill in the Blank items in New Quizzes. (A blank space or broken link will signify where the image was added previously.)
Instructors/designers must add the course media or image to the question again in order to correct the issue. Another option would be to use another question type such as Stimulus content to improve the design and flow of the questions being asked.
No. Hot spot questions are not accessible for users who require keyboard-only access or screen readers. This is the only New Quizzes question type with this caveat.
Canvas product developers are currently working on the following features to be added by transition's end:
- Enhanced RCE features
- Migrate New Quizzes in course copy and imports
- Import Canvas Question Banks as New Quizzes Item Banks
Additional projects are being considered for development based on the priorities of Canvas's diverse user set:
- Partial points for Ordering item types
- Extra credit questions
- Delete attempts
- View which version of an assessment students received
- Download a Student Analysis CSV report
Timelines for these projects will be announced as they become available in the New Quizzes Hub in the Canvas Community.
Training and Support Resources
The following training and support resources are available to Alamo Colleges faculty and staff:
- New Quizzes Transition Timeline and FAQ
- Alamo Colleges Screen Steps Guides for Canvas New Quizzes
- Instructor and Student Canvas Guides for New Quizzes
- One-hour Information Sessions offered live and on-demand
Most students will find New Quizzes user-friendly and easy to navigate. However, the change in user interface (UI) may come as a surprise for some returning students when they go to complete their first assessment in your class. Including links to helpful product resources such as this Alamo Colleges Screen Steps Guide will prepare them for the new tool and answer any questions they may have prior to taking their first quiz.
For instructors who wish to include more information about New Quizzes in their course orientation module, a sample New Quizzes student information page can be downloaded from the Canvas Commons and customized for your course.
If there is a question that is not addressed in this article, please see the Canvas Community post New Quizzes: FAQ for specifics, or email your inquiry to [email protected] so District IT may look into it further and provide a response.
Additional questions will be added to this list if it is determined it will impact many Canvas users in more than one discipline.
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