Add Assessment
In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.
Create New Quiz Assessment
In the Choose a Quiz Engine screen, select the New Quizzes option [1]. To save your quiz engine selection for this course, check the Remember my choice for this course checkbox [2].
Then click the Submit button [3].
Note: You can reset your quiz engine choice from the Quiz Options menu at any time.

Add Assessment Details
In the Assignment Name field [1], enter the name of your assessment. To enter assessment details, enter the total points possible [2], select the assignment group [3], and choose how the grade is displayed to students [4].
To remove this assessment from final grade calculations, click the Do not count this assignment towards the final grade checkbox [5].

Assign Assessment
In the Assign To field [1], select who will be required to take the assessment. You can assign the assessment to individual students or sections.
In the Due field [2], select the assessment due date.
In the Available from and Until fields [3], select the availability dates for the assessment.
Note: If you have set section override dates in your course, you may need to select a course section and set due and availability dates that fall within the section override dates.

Save Assessment
To save your assessment details, click the Save button.
That is it! Everything else: shuffle answers/questions, multiple attempts, restrict students from viewing, etc, will be under Settings on the Build part of New Quizzes.

Video Tutorial: Create a New Assessment
Edit New Quiz in Canvas
Find the assessment you want to edit [1]. To edit the assessment, click the Options icon [2] and select the Edit option [3].

Save Changes
To save your changes, click the Save button.

Video Tutorial: Edit New Quiz in Canvas
In your first semester of using New Quizzes in your courses, we recommend that you try New Quizzes for only one course and not all.
For additional assistance with Canvas, visit the Canvas related Guides or contact your campus Instructional Innovation Center/Distance Learning department.
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