Situations where you might need to clear the application cache for Ad Astra would be receiving blank screens or other oddities within Astra.
To delete Astra Schedules’s application cache:
- Go to the section listing (Academics tab, sections button) or the event listing (Events tab, events button).
- At the bottom right-hand corner (next to the version number) is a button that looks like a mixer board icon ; click the icon.
![Lower right-hand corner is the icon to click](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/001/998/336/original/3003fad8-0a2b-4ad4-b5af-8222c66c04e8.png)
3. Click on Clear State & Reload button
![Click on clear state and reload button](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/001/998/338/original/ca233558-8566-4f90-b7ce-dfc25ddcd2a3.png)
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