Alamo Colleges District

Creating Adobe Digital Signature

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Adobe Digital Signature is a certificate-based digital signature and a type of e-signature that complies with the strictest legal regulations — and provides the highest level of assurance of a signer’s identity. 

Creating your Adobe digital signature

1. When a signature is required in a PDF document, click on the signature box.

Create a Digital ID before you are requested to - Creating Adobe Digital Signature in Acrobat

2. Click on Configure Digital ID.

3. Select Create New Digital ID and click Continue.

4. Select Save to File and click Continue.

5. Enter your name and email address, then click Continue.

6. Create and confirm your password for this Digital Signature, then click Save.

This password will be required each time you Digitally Sign a document. There are no password reset or recovery options.  

7. Select your newly created digital signature and click Continue.

8. Enter your digital signature password and click Sign.

9. The signature box should be signed with your digital signature.


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