Alamo Colleges District

ACES General Overview: Employee

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ACES is a secure portal that provides students, faculty, and staff with access to various applications using a single sign-on. This guide will provide a general overview for new employees.

Home Tab

ACES Home Tab

The ACES Home tab will be the first screen you see after you have logged into the portal. Employees frequently access the following applications and resources:

  1. The Email link in the upper right will open the Outlook Web Application which allows you to check/send email from your email address. If you are a former student, you may see two links for email; select the second one titled "Email" for your employee account:
ACES Email selections
  1. Select the My Account link in the event you need to change your ACES password.
  2. The Canvas Student Resources portlet provides access to your Canvas Dashboard and other helpful resources for the learning management system. Faculty and students will have automatic access to Canvas upon course scheduling/registration. Staff and administrators who require access to Canvas should contact their college's IIC/Distance Learning department to have a Canvas user profile generated.
  3. Find Emergency Contacts for the Alamo Colleges District, including the phone numbers for the Department of Public Safety (DPS) dispatch and emergencies. Best practice is to add these numbers to your list of phone contacts.

Also found on the ACES Home tab:

  • Self-Service for Former Users  - Clicking on the Web Services link will open a new tab or window where you can access many Banner self-services.
  • Sign Out - Securely end an ACES session by selecting the Sign Out link in the upper right. Sessions will automatically sign the user out (or "timeout") after 60 minutes of inactivity. A 5-minute warning will display at the top of the page prior to the session timing-out, allowing users to extend the session if they choose.


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