Astra Schedule is a tool that provides academic scheduling, event management, enterprise calendaring, and works with Banner to ensure the most up-to-date, accurate information.
How to Access Ad Astra
For the most updated link to Astra, visit www.alamo.edu and find Alamo Share by clicking on the Employees Tab.

You do not need to log in to Astra to access the links and resources displayed on the home page.
Requesting Access
Each campus has a separate process to request access to Ad Astra
- Contact Jessica Barnes to request access.
- New Schedulers must email Javier Leal to request access.
- Visit NVC Alamo Share.
- Find Astra Scheduler Access Request Form in the middle of the home screen.
- Submit the form and await approval.
- Contact College Services Operations: Jennifer Mejia.
- Contact Facilities Management by submitting a Footprints ticket or Work Order.
- New Schedulers must email Kris Hernandez to request access.
- A Permissions Form will be provided to the new user.
- The completed Permissions Form must be emailed to Kris Hernandez (CC: Colunga, Jacob P).
Help and Support
For additional help contact your designated Campus Astra Admin or campus Help Desk.
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