Office 365 suite is available for all Alamo Colleges District students, faculty, and staff.
Faculty can download the Office 365 suite which includes Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, and more. Downloading the Microsoft Office applications provides more features and tools then the web applications. We highly recommend faculty download the office applications to gain the most from their free Microsoft subscription and be able to save all of their files through OneDrive.
To download Microsoft Office applications, sign into ACES.
In the ACES portal, locate the Employee tab in the left navigation panel.

Scroll down until you find the box that state IT Resources. Click Office 365.

Follow the onscreen instruction to sign into Office 365.
It will be your faculty username and password you should've setup during orientation or new hire onboarding.
username: [email protected]
password: setup by IT or supervisor or ACES password.
Once you are signed into Office 365, there will be an option for you to install your applications.
Select the drop-down arrow > Install Microsoft 365 apps.
The download will begin. Follow the instructions to complete the installation.

Additional Resources
We hope this helped you download Microsoft applications. If you liked this guide, leave us a thumbs up. If you experience any issues downloading Microsoft 365, please contact the IT help desk.
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