With the new Alamo "My Media" (a.k.a. Mediasite) audio/video streaming service, licensed Zoom users now have the option to export a copy of their Zoom recordings to their My Media account once a meeting has concluded.
Note: This guide demonstrates the steps for exporting a copy of your Zoom recording to My Media using the Alamo Zoom Portal (web version). For Zoom Desktop Client (app) users, the steps will be similar.
For users who schedule their meetings through the Zoom LTI in Canvas, the option to export your recordings to your My Media account DOES NOT appear. However, all meetings scheduled through Canvas can easily be amended in the Alamo Zoom portal using the steps outlined below.
Scheduling a Recurring/Upcoming Meeting to Export the Zoom Recording to My Media
To begin, log in to your Zoom account through a supported web browser. Navigate to the Meetings [1] tab, then select Schedule a Meeting [2].

Schedule your meeting with your preferred settings, then when you go to select your "Meeting Options," consider whether you would like the meeting to automatically record to the cloud or if you would prefer to manually start the recording during your meeting.

Note: Whether the recording is automatically started at the beginning or manually started by the host, Zoom WILL NOT copy the meeting recording to My Media if it's not recorded to the cloud.
If the meeting is recorded to the local computer, the user will have to manually upload the MP4 file to My Media.
Towards the bottom of the meeting scheduler, locate the options Canvas Course SIS ID [3] and Copy to My Media [4]. (For Zoom Desktop Client users, these settings will appear under "Advanced Options.")
- Canvas Course SIS ID (Optional): The Canvas Course SIS ID can be found in the Canvas course Settings > Course Details tab > SIS ID field. When copy and pasted into this field, students will be able to access and view all Zoom recordings for the course through the Mediasite Channel link enabled in the course navigation menu for that course. If left blank, the recording will upload to your general presentation folder in My Media.
- Copy to My Media: Select Yes from the drop-down menu to export the meeting recording into your My Media account. This action will take place once the meeting or the recording has been concluded.
Once you have finished selecting your meeting settings, don't forget to Save [5].

The meeting has been scheduled to export its recording to your My Media account. To check which Zoom meetings have been set to export their recordings to My Media, look for the Yes listed next to the "Copy to My Media" option in the meeting settings.
Attention: Please be aware that once the recording has been successfully exported to My Media, the recording's view permissions will be set as "Only Shared Users." Please adjust this as you see fit.
To change the audience visibility of your video once it has imported to My Media, log in to https://media.alamo.edu and navigate to the video presentation within your My Media account. Click on the video's title to bring up its details, and in the right column, adjust the slider under the header WHO CAN VIEW? to your desired audience. For more information on the various visibility options for My Media presentations, please see this guide.
Editing an Existing Recurring/Upcoming Meeting to Export the Zoom Recording(s) to My Media
Attention: We can't guarantee any meeting recordings older than 30 days will be imported into My Media.
To edit a recurring or upcoming meeting to copy its recording to your My Media account, please log in to your Zoom account via the Zoom Web Portal.
- Click the Meetings Tab in the left-hand navigation bar.
- Click Edit on the meeting you are trying to edit.
- Proceed with the necessary steps to copy the recording to your My Media account using the steps outlined in the previous section of this guide.

Note: Once the "Copy to My Media" option has been enabled for an existing recurring meeting, all previous recordings still in the Zoom Cloud will copy to My Media.
Currently, Zoom meetings recorded to the Zoom cloud will auto-delete after 150 days; please see this guide for more details on Zoom Cloud Recording Retention.
For additional ways to manage your Zoom recordings, please see these guides. To access your recordings on My Media, log in to https://media.alamo.edu to manage and distribute your My Media presentations.
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