Using Zooms waiting room feature is easy, and it allows you to verify your meeting participants before they enter. However, in order to use this feature, waiting rooms must first be enabled. To enable Zoom waiting rooms before your next web conference, visit our guide here.
In this guide you will learn how to do the following during your next Zoom meeting:
Enable or Disable Waiting Room
1. As the meeting host, find in your Zoom task manager at the bottom of the screen, and select Manage Participants.

2. Click More at the bottom of the participants window and select Put Attendee in Waiting Room on Entry to enable or disable this feature.

Admit Individual Participants
1. As the meeting host, find in your Zoom task manager at the bottom of the screen, and select Manage Participants.

2. Now that you have enabled the waiting room feature, when individuals join they will show up to the left side of the screen. Select Admit to allow them to join the meeting.

Admit All Participants
1. As the meeting host, find in your Zoom task manager at the bottom of the screen, and select Manage Participants.

2. Now that you have enabled the waiting room feature, when individuals join they will show up to the left side of the screen. Select Admit all to allow everyone to join the meeting.

Send Participants to the Waiting Room or Remove Participants From Meeting
This feature is useful for removing disruptive, un-rostered, or "zoom spammers" from a meeting temporarily. In order to remove someone completely from a meeting, continue reading below.
1. As the meeting host, find in your Zoom task manager at the bottom of the screen, and select Manage Participants.

2. Click More next to the participant's name and choose Put in Waiting Room. There is also an option to Remove.

Additional Support and Resources
Need help with something else? Want to learn more about Zoom polls? Visit the Alamo Colleges Zoom Guides, Official Zoom Guides, contact Zoom Support, or your local, or district IT help desk.
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