Using the Zoom LTI (or app) in Canvas, instructors can automatically import polling results taken during class meetings to a Canvas Assignment. These will display students' individual responses within Canvas SpeedGrader and become its own gradable assignment within the Canvas Gradebook.
Requirements and Restrictions
- This feature is only supported with meetings scheduled using the Zoom LTI in Canvas; imported or dissociated meetings will not work.
- Personal Meeting IDs cannot be used.
- Students must be logged in with a licensed Zoom account, and their email must match the default email set in Canvas. This is due to the Zoom LTI using the email address to match the Canvas user's email address, as well as for identifying the student in Canvas.
- The Canvas Assignment will default to a grading scale of 100 points once it imports the polling results, but you can edit the assignment details before grading.
- NOTE: Submission Type has been set to "No Submission" to prevent students from overwriting their responses.
- The Canvas Assignment will import into the first Assignment Group you have listed in the course, but you can move the assignment to the appropriate group before grading.
- Advance Quizzing/Polling can be used with this feature, but it will not pass back a score for questions a student answers correctly. (In other words: manual grading is still required.)
- This feature does not support polls created or stored within the Polls Library. However, if you plan to create polls using only single/multiple choice questions, you can create a .CSV document containing your polling questions and responses and import the poll ahead of your meeting. A polling template can be found at the bottom of each scheduled meeting's details page:

Enabling the Zoom Polls to Gradebook Feature
Once the Zoom LTI has been enabled in your Canvas course, select the Zoom app [A] from the Course Navigation menu and click the three vertical dots icon [B] in the upper right. Select Enable/Disable Zoom Polls to Gradebook [C] from the drop-down menu, and confirm the option by clicking Enable in the pop-up window [not pictured].
A green "Success!" dialog window will appear briefly at the top of the Zoom app. Proceed to launch the meeting from the Zoom LTI in Canvas and conduct your poll.
In order for Zoom polling responses to import into a Canvas assignment, students must log into Zoom before launching the meeting. Their default email in Canvas must also match the email they use to log into the meeting.
To ensure these requirements are in place, instructors can:
- Set a meeting's security option so only authenticated users to join the meeting.
- Prompt students ahead of the first Zoom meeting to create a Zoom account with the Alamo Colleges District and log in to the meeting using SSO before joining subsequent meetings.
- Direct students to verify their default email address in Canvas is set to their Alamo email address, and add their preferred email as an additional contact method.
- Recommend students join all class meetings through the Zoom app in the Canvas course.
- Provide students with technical support information for using Zoom, including links to our Student support guides and IT Help Desk assistance.
Viewing Student Responses in Canvas
Polling results will not be available in Canvas until 60 minutes after the meeting has ended.
Once the polling results have imported from Zoom, locate the newly created assignment within the Assignments index page. It will be have the same title as you the poll you conducted during the class meeting.

Click on the assignment to launch SpeedGrader to view students' submissions to view the following information:
- Student's name as it appears in Zoom participant's list
- Zoom Poll submission date/time (GMT)
- Student's email address they used to log into Zoom meeting
- Polling questions/prompts and responses
- Canvas Assignment import date/time
By default, the grading scale will be set to 100 points, but you can edit the assignment details prior to grading, including adding a rubric to the assignment. If you use Assignment Groups, don't forget to move the assignment.
For more information, view the following Zoom Support Guide for configuring polling and assignments with Canvas, or contact [email protected] for technical assistance.
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