When you create a Zoom account, you are automatically assigned a personal meeting ID. The personal meeting ID is like a virtual office or web conference room, open for use whenever.
If you are an instructor, we recommend you create a personal meeting ID, and elect virtual office hours, so students can use the same link, perhaps provided in the syllabus, and opt-in at the specific times you set.
This article will guide you through finding your personal meeting ID and updating it if need be.
Find your personal meeting ID
1. Begin by logging into Zoom. You may choose to login in via SSO at alamo.zoom.us.
For detailed instructions on how to login to Zoom or how to create an account, visit our instruction guide here.

2. Once logged on, on the left navigation bar, select Profile.

3. Then, scroll down, under the Meeting section, you will see your personal meeting ID.
Here you can view [1] it by clicking on the eyelash icon.
You can also:
- Edit [2]
- Customize your personal link [3] for sharing purposes.

4. To edit your personal meeting ID, simply click edit, and it will allow you to customize it to a number of your choosing. Be sure to set up your personal link, so you can easily share your personal meeting ID with others.

5. Click Save.
Additional Resources
Need help with something else? Contact Zoom support or your local or district IT help desk.
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