Beginning Spring 2024, NewView will be enabled for the Alamo Colleges' Simple Syllabus website and user dashboards. Benefits of this new user interface includes:
- Access to all syllabi for courses you've enrolled in from one spot on your dashboard; and
- Search for syllabi in more than one part-of-term, including within the Syllabus Library.
While functionality for students within the Simple Syllabus LTI in Canvas remains the same, students can access all of their course syllabi from one spot in the Simple Syllabus Student Portal. Select a link below to jump to a section of this article for more information about navigating Simple Syllabus NewView as a student:
Navigation in NewView
To begin, log into Simple Syllabus through ACES to connect to your dashboard. Navigation links are now listed vertically on the left side of the site and remain static as you move through the system. Click the arrow to expand and collapse the menu, or hover your cursor over an icon to view its destination.

My Courses
If you are a student, the My Courses tab serves as your dashboard and provides access to all of the syllabi for courses you've enrolled in for the current and upcoming terms.
Each syllabus on your dashboard lists pertinent course information [A] as well as the instructor(s) for the course [B]. Click on the thumbnail image [C] or View button to access the document on the web, or select the Print button to download a PDF to your device and/or print a hard copy for your files. You also have the option to Follow any updates made to the syllabus by your instructor or the institution.
A Materials List [D] is displayed to the right of each document, indicating which required and optional instructional materials are needed for the course.
A syllabus will be removed from your My Courses tab once the part-of-term concludes, but you can locate the document again within the appropriate Historical term. To locate a syllabus for a course that you've enrolled in (Spring 2023 or later), use the available Term picklist and Search field/Filters button to refine your search.

Select the Term picklist to filter for syllabi for specific parts-of-term. Term options include:
- Current - Displays syllabi for parts-of-term that are currently in session.
- Future - Displays syllabi for parts-of-term that have not yet started. (Once a term starts, it will move to the Current term.)
- Historical - Displays syllabi for parts-of-term that have concluded, including parts-of-term that are held earlier in the session. (For instance: Wintermester, Maymester, Flex I, Summer I, etc.)
By default, the list will display all syllabi for current and future terms, but you can select the drop-down arrow to the right of each term to view a list of available parts-of-term to include/exclude from your search.

Search and Filters

You can locate a specific syllabus by using the open-entry Search field and Filters button which will provide you options to narrow down your search by subject, college (or department), and instructor.
Materials List
Selecting the Materials List tab from the left-hand navigation menu launches a pop-up window that allows you to Print or download a detailed list of materials for your current and upcoming courses. Use the Term picklist to include/exclude courses from the list that may require you to shop for additional materials aside from the textbook.
Click outside of the "Shopping List" window to return to your My Courses tab.
Syllabus Library
The Syllabus Library is the central repository of syllabi that have been published for each of the five colleges in the Alamo Colleges District. In NewView, you now have Organization Cards [A] to filter syllabi down to a specific college or department within the system.
By default, the Term picklist [B] displays published syllabi for all current and future terms, but you can refine your search to only include specific parts-of-term, including past sessions.
Clicking the Filter button [C] at the top displays additional search tools to help you refine your search to a specific subject, course number, or instructor. Additionally, you can do a general keyword search using the Looking for something ... field.
Custom Library links [D] have also been added to the Syllabus Library to help students locate important college resources, launching the designated site in a new browser tab or window.
My Profile

Clicking the My Profile icon in the upper right will provide access to your Simple Syllabus Profile where you can update your name or add a prefix or suffix.
DO NOT edit the Email or Password fields as it may result in connection errors to your course syllabi.
Contact Support

To receive technical assistance in NewView, select the Contact Support link [or question mark icon] at the bottom of the navigation menu. A Simple Help Form will slide out on the right for you to provide information for the technical issue you are experiencing, and it will be routed to Simple Syllabus's IT Support. View the Simple Syllabus Help guide for more information about using this feature.
For more information, view the following guide for accessing Simple Syllabus as a student, or contact your instructor directly if you have questions about content and policies contained within the document.
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