Whether you have forgotten your password or you are unable to replicate the password you created, there may be occasions where you will need to reset your BioSig-ID password. The following guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to conduct a password reset.
This BioSig-ID password reset process is intended for the input device and default Canvas email address you had originally selected to enroll your BioSig-ID and Click-ID passwords. If you are trying to enter your password with a new input device, or if you have recently changed your default email in Canvas, you will be prompted to enroll a new BioSig-ID password.
To begin, enter what you believe to be your password into the BioSig-ID draw pad. If the password does not match, you will receive the following message each time you try to validate your identity: "Your password does not match. Please try again."

Keep entering the same four characters, numbers, or symbols into the draw pad grid until you are prompted to enter your Click-ID password. From there, you have a few options for resetting your BioSig-ID password:
After failing to recreate your BioSig-ID password three times, you will be prompted to enter your Click-ID password on the keypad at the bottom of the BioSig-ID window:

- Simply use your input device to enter your Click-ID password and click the Validate button at the bottom right of the BioSig-ID window.
- Once validated, you will then be prompted to enroll a new BioSig-ID password:

- Your new BioSig-ID password must be drawn three times in order to accurately record the user’s unique gestures.
- On the last step, you must validate your new password.
If you successfully recalled your Click-ID password, you will not need to enroll a new Click-ID when you complete the BioSig-ID password enrollment process again.
If you cannot recall your Click-ID password, you will be prompted with a new message:

- Click on the @email button, making sure to keep the current BioSig-ID window open. Once selected, instructions will appear:

- A password reset link which is good for approximately 6 hours will be sent to the email address you have set as your default for Canvas. Check your email for a message from [email protected] with the subject "Reset your BioSig-ID password." (If you do not see a message in your Inbox folder, be sure to check the "Junk" folder for this message.)

- Within the email message, click on the hyperlink "Click here to reset your password" -or- copy/paste the URL provided into a new browser tab or window. You will receive a Password Reset validation message in the new browser tab or window:
- Close the window and then navigate back to the BioSig-ID assignment where you will then be prompted to enroll a new BioSig-ID password:

- Your new BioSig-ID password must be drawn three times in order to accurately record the user's unique gestures. You will also be required to create a new Click-ID password and enter it three times.
- On the last step, you must validate your new password.
If you cannot recall your Click-ID password, you will be required to enroll a new Click-ID when you complete the BioSig-ID password enrollment process again.
For a manual reset of your BioSig-ID and Click-ID passwords, please contact the District IT Help Desk at (210) 485-0555 [Option 4], or email [email protected] from your ACES student email. Be sure to include the following information in your correspondence; requests will be processed within 1-2 business days by the District IT Instructional Technology administrators:
- First and Last Name
- Banner ID
- ACES user name
- Default email you have listed in Canvas
- A brief description of the difficulty you are experiencing with BioSig-ID
- Phone number where we can reach you 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., M-F
Once your password has been reset, you will be sent notification to your ACES student email, so be sure to check it frequently for updates.
For additional assistance with BioSig-ID, visit the Biometric Signature ID Knowledge Base or contact [email protected] with questions.
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