Alamo Colleges District

Locating Historical Syllabi (Fall 2013-Fall 2022)

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Historical syllabi from Fall 2013 through Fall 2022 have been archived in the Simple Syllabus Library. Users can locate a document by using the Term, College, Subject, Course Number, and Search fields. Once found, the syllabus can be viewed or downloaded in PDF format.  

Searching for Historical Syllabi

Syllabi from Spring 2023 and later can be located using any of the available search filters. However, historical syllabi from Fall 2013-Fall 2022 have only been mapped to the following filters:

  1. Term
  2. College
  3. Subject
  4. Course number
  5. Search (i.e., the "Looking for something..." search bar)

NOTE: Using the Instructor field will yield 0 results.

To begin, navigate to the Alamo Colleges Syllabus Library by selecting it from the navigation menu [A]. Published syllabi for all current and upcoming part-of-terms will display by default. Select the Filters button [B] to display the various search filters.


To locate a historic syllabus in the Syllabus Library, it is recommended that you use the following filters in sequential order.


1. Term

From the Term menu, uncheck the "Future" and "Current" boxes [C]. Expand the "Historic" term drop-down menu [D] leaving it's box unchecked.


Scroll down the list to the Fall 2022 term (or earlier) and select the box for the historic term [E] you wish to locate a syllabus.


2. College

From the College [F] drop-down menu, select the parent college the course was offered.


Selecting a Department within the College filter will yield 0 results. The College options leading with a dash in the title (e.g., "-Northeast Lakeview College") are considered departments within the College and will also yield 0 results.

3. Subject

Select the Subject [G] for the course from the drop-down menu. 


Subjects are listed alphabetically. Typing the subject's first letter into the field will "jump" you to subjects in the list that start with that letter.

4. Course Number

Select the Course number [H] from the drop-down menu to bring up all sections that were offered for that course. The course number will have a dash and the College's acronym appended to it (e.g., "1300-NLC").


Finally, if you can recall the 3-digit section number for the course, type it into the Looking for something... search bar [I]. This will narrow the result to a single syllabus.


View or Download a Historic Syllabus

Once you've located the syllabus, click the View button [J] on the document's thumbnail image. The file will open in a new browser tab or window.


Clicking on the document's File Name [K] will allow you to view the PDF document in your web browser, or selecting the Download this file icon [L] next to the right of the file name will save the syllabus to your device.


Contact [email protected] for assistance with locating historical syllabi. View our Alamo user guides for more information about navigating Simple Syllabus.


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