Q. I'm having trouble downloading/installing LockDown Browser. Something is blocking the installation.
A. Antivirus software can block the installation of LockDown Browser. To solve this, temporarily disable your antivirus program, and install LockDown Browser. Once the installation is complete, remember to enable your antivirus software again!
Q. If I have technical difficulties, who can I contact?
A. First, contact your college helpdesk or the district helpdesk. Phone numbers are listed on the Technology Resource Guide for Students. If your local helpdesk is unable to resolve the issue, you can submit a ticket directly to Respondus (responses can take up to 24 hours). Do not contact Canvas as they will be unable to assist you with Respondus issues. Note that help is not available 24/7, so plan accordingly.
Q. What if a Standard Browser is used?
If the settings for a quiz require that LockDown Browser be used, it cannot be accessed with a standard browser. In fact, you can easily confirm that a quiz has been properly set for LockDown Browser by attempting to open the quiz with a regular browser. As shown a warning message will indicate that LockDown Browser is required for the quiz.

Q. Why is there a webcam icon at the top of the LockDown Browser screen? Do I need a webcam?
A. The webcam tool is for use with Respondus Monitor. If your instructor is using Monitor for your Canvas quizzes/exams, you will need to enable webcam settings. Otherwise, you can ignore the webcam icon.
Q. Do I need to download LockDown Browser every time I take an exam?
A. Short answer, no. The LockDown Browser is permanently installed on your computer, and you just need to open it each time you take a quiz/exam that requires it. However, the best practice is to open LockDown Browser, click on the Info button (the "i" with a circle), and check for updates before your scheduled quiz/exam time.

Q. My instructor says I can submit my quiz more than once. Why do I get an error message?
A. In LockDown Browser, you may only take a quiz one time per session. If you attempt to take more than one, you will receive the following error:

In order to submit more than once using LockDown Browser, you will need to close and re-open LockDown Browser between each attempt.
Q. What if something goes horribly wrong during my exam?
A. In the event you experience an issue during your exam, you have the ability to exit your exam and provide information to your instructor as to why you are leaving.
First, click the "x" to close LockDown Browser, and then select "OK"

In the next screen, explain why you need to close out of your exam without properly submitting, and select "Submit and close the browser"

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