Academic Scheduling
Ad Astra Schedule is capable of accomplishing academic scheduling. Sections are automatically imported into Astra from Banner multiple times a day to ensure the most up-to-date and accurate data. Typically, Academic Administrators enter the semester class schedules into Banner, but this process varies by campus. Academic Sections in Astra are composed of the following information:
Course Section Offering
- Term
- Campus
- Subject
- Course
- Title
- Section Number
Section Meeting Information
- Meeting Type
- Dates
- Times
- Days
- Instructor
- Room Assignment
Accessing a Section List
Log in and select the Academics tab.
Note: Tabs available to each user will vary based on permissions level and role.
Select Sections to browse course sections and assign rooms where necessary

Selecting Filters allow for quicker, more specific results.

Once the Section List appears, pay special attention to the Course/Sections that have a meeting pattern, but do not have a room assigned. More than likely, this is a face-to-face course and requires a room assignment.
Assigning Rooms to Sections
Clicking on the Course/Section name will display Section Info, Section Notes, Same Time Info and Meeting details.
To Assign a Room to the section, click on the House Icon.
The Room Scheduler screen displays Available and Unavailable Rooms based on the dates, times, and other Filters selected (remember to click Search after selecting filters).
Conflicts are also displayed to report how many existing meetings are scheduled during the same time frame.
Hovering over the Unavailable status will provide more details.
Clicking on the Conflicts will provide more details and also allow you to schedule all other dates and times if desired.
Hovering over the Icon to the left of the Room will display the Room Details to aide in selecting the proper room.
Selecting an Available room will change the status to a green Selected status. Then click OK.
Important: The Meeting Status will display Unassigned until the Save button is clicked.
Once the Section is Saved, the Meeting Status will display as Scheduled.
Changing a Room Assignment
To change a Room Assignment, find the Section and enter Edit Mode.
To Drop a Room already assigned, click on the Red X/House Icon.
A confirmation will pop-up to ensure this is the user's intention.
The Meeting Status will now read Unassigned and the user may proceed to Assign a Room.
Assigning Resources
To Assign Resources, such as Tear-Down Services for example, click on the Green +/Circle Icon.
Not all campuses have set up the Assign Resources feature.
After selecting the desired Resources, click OK, and then Save.
Astra is configured to send notifications to the point of contact responsible for that specific resource.
Help and Support
Users can access Guides and Help without logging in.
For additional help contact your designated Campus Astra Super User or Kori Schneider.
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