The Gradebook helps instructors easily view and enter grades for students.
Only graded assignments, graded discussions, graded quizzes, and graded surveys that have been published display in the Gradebook. Not Graded Assignments, Ungraded Surveys, and Discussions without a grade are not included.
Accessing and viewing the Gradebook
In the course navigation, click on Grades.

Gradebook Overview
The top of the Gradebook includes global sorting options and settings you can use to organize your Gradebook [1], which will populate the selected student data [2] and assignment data [3].
The main Gradebook allows you to see all students, assignments, and grades. In the Gradebook menu, you can also switch between several options that are available:
Learning Mastery [1] displays the Learning Mastery Gradebook, which assesses outcome standards being used in Canvas courses. This gradebook is a course-level feature option.
Individual View [2] allows you to assess one student and one assignment at a time and is fully accessible for screen readers. Individual View currently does not support New Gradebook settings and options.
Gradebook History [3] displays the Gradebook History page, which logs recent grade changes in the course according to student, grader, assignment, and date.
You can switch between gradebooks at any time.

The View menu allows you to filter and sort the Gradebook according to several viewing options:
- Arrange By [1]: arrange columns by default, assignment name, due date, points, or module
- Filters [2]: filter columns by type (assignment group, section, modules, and grading period, if applicable)
- Statuses [3]: view and change the color for a grading status (late, missing, resubmitted, dropped, and excused)
- Columns [4]: show or hide the notes column and the unpublished assignments column

The Late Policies tab allows you to apply late policies in your course.
The Missing Submission policy allows you to automatically apply a grade for submissions labeled as Missing [1]. A submission is labeled Missing when the due date has passed and the assignment has not been submitted.
The Late Submission policy allows you to automatically apply a defined penalty to submissions with a status of Late [2]. A submission is labeled Late when it is submitted past the due date. Additionally, you can define a threshold under which a student will not be scored, regardless of how late the submission is when submitted.
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