Export All Canvas Quizzes using these instructions:
https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-2975Unzip resulting .zip file from step 2 to reveal contents, the following folders contain quiz question data:

4. Launch Respondus and click the Open button.

5. Then click the Browse button in the Open dialog window:
6. Change the file type to display as .xml instead of .rsp, either of the last two options is fine:

7. Point the browse location to the unzipped folder from step 3 as shown above. The list of randomly named folders in this directory are for each quiz in the exported course. Navigate into one of the folders to reveal a file with an .xml extension with the same name as the folder:
If you want to know which quiz you are looking at what you can inspect the .xml file using a text editor like Notepad++ ahead of time and look for the tag called ‘assessment’ and corresponding ‘title’ property.

8. The file to import/open is always going to match the random folder name, so choose that as the file to open. Respondus will ask you to name a new project. This can be the same name as the title property of the assessment tag in the .xml file or one you choose yourself. Name the project uniquely here. Then click the OK button to complete the open/import.
9. Repondus will create the project and open it for further Editing if needed:
10. Now the Print feature of Respondus can be used to generate text to copy/paste into a word processor program or save a Microsoft Word file. This is found on the Preview and Publish tab at the top:

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