Alamo Colleges District

Creating a Flipgrid Assignment in Canvas

Updated on

Flip (formerly Flipgrid) announced it will be retiring its website and mobile apps on July 1, 2024 and placing them into a view-only mode. This includes the integration with our Canvas LMS. While users will no longer be able to create new groups, topics, or videos after this date, you will have access to download your videos through Sept. 30. Please see this guide for more information.

The Flipgrid integration allow instructors to create Canvas assignments and discussions for graded Flipgrid student submissions.

Once the Flipgrid app has been installed in your Canvas course, navigate to the Assignments tab in the Canvas course navigation menu.

1. From the Canvas Assignments screen, select the + Assignment (Add Assignment) button at the top right to create a new assignment.

2. The “Create new” assignment window will open. Enter the assignment details for your Flipgrid assignment. Under the “Submission Type” field, select External Tool from the dropdown menu, and then select the “Find” button.

3. The “Configure External Tool” window will pop up within the Assignment settings window. External tool integrations are listed alphabetically; scroll down and select the Flipgrid link and then the Select button at the bottom right of the window.

4. Once the external tool has been configured, the External Tool URL for Flipgrid will display in the link window. Finish adding the assignment details, including any due date and availability dates (if needed) and then select either Save or Save & Publish.

5. Once the Canvas Assignment has been created and saved, the Flipgrid API will display for you to enter in a discussion topic. Consult the “Getting Started with Flipgrid” guide for further resources on how to set up a topic or record a video.

Instructor's view of assignment:

Student's view of assignment:

Best practice is to create a low-stakes or non-graded assignment for students to become familiar with the Flipgrid application prior to its initial use with a graded assignment.  This will allow students to become oriented with Flipgrid.

Instructors are encouraged to browse the Flipgrid Conversation Starters (Flipgrid login required to view) for ideas to incorporate an “icebreaker” discussion topic the first week of class. Encourage your students to incorporate additions such as filters, text, stickers, drawings, or use of the whiteboard with their first video for further practice.


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