Once a syllabus has been submitted by the instructor, web links are generated to view, print, and share the published document.
Students registered in the course can access the syllabus through the Course Syllabus link in the Canvas course navigation menu. Additionally, students can access all of their syllabi through their personalized Student Portal in Simple Syllabus.
Read on for other ways you can share your syllabus with students, colleagues, or the public at large.
Locating a Published Syllabus
In order to share a syllabus, you will need to locate the published document from either your Simple Syllabus account or the LTI in Canvas.
From Your Simple Syllabus Profile
If you do not see the Dashboard or Published tab when you connect to your Simple Syllabus profile from ACES, you will need to select the Login button in the upper right.
Syllabi move from your Dashboard to the Published section of your Simple Syllabus profile once you've submitted them. From there, you will need to filter for the appropriate part-of-term using the Term drop-down menu to access the syllabus. View the following guide for more information about how Banner parts-of-term are listed in Simple Syllabus for the Fall/Spring and Summer.

You can also locate the web version of the syllabus (i.e., the public-facing document) in the Syllabus Library by using the available filters to narrow down the your search results.
Syllabi from historical terms (Fall 2013 - Fall 2022) can also be located in the Syllabus Library for you to view and download/print a PDF file for your records.
From Your Canvas Course
Select the Course Syllabus link in the navigation menu. If the course has been cross-listed in Canvas, you'll need to access the syllabus from your Simple Syllabus account.
Students enrolled in Academic sections of a cross-listed course will be able to access the syllabus for their registered Canvas section without issue. View this guide for more information about the Simple Syllabus LTI in Canvas cross-listed courses.
Instructors and students can only download and save/print a PDF of the syllabus from Canvas. Shareable links to the syllabus must be retrieved from the document in the Syllabus Library.
Ways to Share a Syllabus
If you are accessing the syllabus from the Published section of your account, these buttons will appear above the Student Engagement report.
If you are accessing the syllabus from the Syllabus Library, these buttons will appear at the bottom of the thumbnail image for your document.
View the Syllabus
Clicking the View button will open the web version of the syllabus (i.e., the public-facing document). The URL at the top of the page can be copied and pasted into a message, web page, or document to share with others.
Download and Save/Print a PDF
Clicking the Print button will open up a PDF version of the syllabus in a new browser window or tab, allowing you to print the syllabus or download the PDF to your device for viewing offline.
Share or Embed a Link to the Syllabus
Clicking the Share button will open a pop-up window that will display three links:
- The URL for the web version of the syllabus;
- The URL for the PDF version of the syllabus; and
- The embedded source code for adding the syllabus to another web page (such as Canvas) within an iFrame.
Selecting the Copy button for each will copy the appropriate URL or embedded source code to paste into a message, web page, or document to share with others.
You must be logged into your Simple Syllabus account in order to access the shareable links.
For technical assistance with sharing a syllabus, contact Simple Syllabus Support.
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