Alamo Colleges District

Submitting Service Requests

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Black bmc and orange FootPrints

You can create technology service requests—sometimes referred to as tickets—for the issues that you might be experiencing that are causing a disruption of operations or to request access to services. The ticket will be routed to the appropriate team(s) or follow the approval process. 

Log in to FootPrints

At the FootPrints site, enter your computer username and password. 

Sign in with your computer username and password.
FootPrints image showing current Outages [a]; request a service, open tickets, and closed tickets [b]; and "I would like to [c]

FootPrints is divided in several key areas:

  1. Current Outages: Displays a list of current outages. Link a ticket to the outage so you will receive a notification when it is resolved. 
  2. Request A Service, Open Tickets, and Closed Tickets tabs: Action areas for ticket/service requests or viewing ticket statuses. 
  3. I would like to... : Click on the relevant card to create a ticket or service request.

To Submit a Ticket Service Request

From the Request A Service tab, click on the card that best fits your service request or issue.  Then click on "Request Service" link to create the ticket. 

Request a service with I would like to ... options
Add a Short Description [1], a detailed description the issue or request within the Description field [2], and any relevant Attachments [3] such as screenshots or documents.

Add a Short Description [1], a detailed description of the issue or request within the Description field [2], and any relevant Attachments [3] such as screenshots or documents.

If you are submitting a service request on the behalf of someone else, list the customer's contact information in the Description field.

When you've finished providing the necessary information, click Submit in the upper left to submit the service request.

Submit a ticket button shown

Support and Assistance

For additional support and assistance with FootPrints, contact your campus IT Help Desk.


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