Alamo Colleges District

View Presentation Analytics

Updated on

For each Mediasite presentation, you can view detailed analytics that will display viewing statistics. This data can be useful for discovering viewing trends, like which portions of a presentation are most often viewed, and which portions of a presentation are viewed least. Analytics are also helpful in gauging the level and quality of student interaction within the online learning environment.

Important Note: While Mediasite gathers a significant amount of viewing statistics and is reasonably accurate, the completeness of the data can sometimes be influenced by certain browser configurations and online privacy tools like ad and script blockers. For this reason, we do not recommend using Mediasite analytics to assign a participation grade. Rather, we suggest the analytics be used in a more general manner for assessing and improving online student learning in a course.


1. From within the list of presentations in your MyMediasite portal, click on the name of the presentation for which you want to view the analytics. A summary of the presentation will appear.

2. Click View Analytics in the right column

  1. Two tabs are available in Presentation Analytics:

    Dashboard: View performance data (views, peak connections, etc.), viewing trends, top users, and platforms used to view the presentation. You can download data in the Dashboard report to an Excel or XML file

    Who's Watching: See real-time viewing statistics

Once loaded, the Dashboard contains several graphs and statistics for analysis. Two graphs show you views over time and peak concurrent connections over time. You can also see the cumulative amount of time spent watching the presentation, meaning the combined view time of all viewers. You can also see the average amount of time watched.

The Trends graph follows two primary metrics over time: Viewers and Heat Index. The line along the graph denotes Viewers, or how many people watched a specific part of the video.

The colors represent a Viewing Heat Index. Cold colors such as blue and purple denote areas that were frequently skipped. Neutral colors, such as green, denote normal viewing, or a single watch-through. Hot colors such as orange and red denote repeated viewing, meaning multiple viewers went back to watch part of the presentation again.

Top Users allows you to see the viewing habits of individuals through their usernames. You can see approximately how long they have watched, and approximately how much of the presentation they have viewed (please remember, due to the nature of the Internet, these statistics are not always complete). More detailed viewing statistics can be downloaded by clicking Download Report at the top-right corner of the dashboard.

Tip: Often, ten minutes is found to be the best length of time to maintain a student's interest. Pay attention to how you are using your time, and how the viewer may perceive that length.


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